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Developing a Supervised Model of Online COVID Vaccine Information

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Examining AI biases in model development to accurately detect and classify online COVID-19 vaccine information
  • Client
    Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Dates
    December 2022 – September 2024


Health-related misinformation on social media exacerbates health inequities.

The spread of false or inaccurate information about health issues on social media—particularly regarding COVID-19 vaccines—has a disproportionately negative effect on historically marginalized communities.

Though artificial intelligence (AI) can be used—deliberately or inadvertently—to create and propagate misinformation, AI can also be part of the solution. It can be used to analyze information, shedding light on how messages are created and how they may shape people’s knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about health topics.


NORC developed an AI model to identify and classify health misinformation on social media.

With support from Amazon Web Services, NORC used supervised learning (the use of training datasets that match input data to the correct output data so the AI can make more accurate predictions) to develop an AI model that can identify and classify health misinformation on Instagram and Twitter. 

The model focuses on:

  • Analyzing text and images using classification models powered by Amazon Web Services
  • Developing a typology of misinformation strategies, including: 
    • Rhetorical strategies such as anecdotes, expressions of uncertainty, and appeals to authority used in misinformation
    • Image types, including memes, screenshots, logos, medical professional images, charts, and quotes
  • Mitigating bias by documenting potential bias introduction points in model development


Our new AI tool empowers stakeholders to combat misinformation and address health inequities responsibly.

NORC's AI model helps individuals, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to:

  • Better understand and evaluate health information encountered on social media
  • Identify and mitigate potential misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines
  • Address health inequities by using AI responsibly and equitably

The project provides a tool for identifying misinformation and contributes to the broader understanding of how AI can be developed and deployed ethically in health contexts. By focusing on bias mitigation and transparency, NORC's work sets a standard for responsible AI use in combating health misinformation and reducing its impact on marginalized communities. 

Please contact us if you want to learn more about our model or work with us to adapt it to your health topic or use case.

Learn More About the Study

Want to learn more about our model or work with us to adapt it to your health topic or use case? Please contact us:

Project Leads

“This project represents a tremendous step forward in how we understand and make sense of online vaccine-related information so that we can develop better messaging, address people’s questions and concerns in more tailored and effective ways, and ultimately, help improve people’s health and well-being.”

Director, Center for Health Communication Science

“This project represents a tremendous step forward in how we understand and make sense of online vaccine-related information so that we can develop better messaging, address people’s questions and concerns in more tailored and effective ways, and ultimately, help improve people’s health and well-being.”

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